Yes, I rest in Thee, Beloved, know what wealth of grace is Thine, know Thy certainty of promise, and have made it mine. Simply trusting Thee, Lord Jesus, I behold Thee as Thou art, and Thy love, so pure, so changeless, satisfies my heart. Satisfies its deepest longings, meets, supplies its every need, and surrounds me with thy blessings: Thine is love indeed!
"Jesus, I am Resting" by the Shelly Moore Band
One of the things that fills my soul the most is Resting. Sitting on a bench downtown for way too long, just to watch the passers-by. Sewing all day long. Walking through the neighborhood with my husband. Sitting with my family after dinner. When I rest, The world slows down. It seems more manageable and less overwhelming. The beauty inherent in everything reveals itself when I am resting and searching for it. My creativity grows and my heart is filled.
In order to fully rest, I believe that my mind must also be at peace. Listen, people: my mind is not naturally inclined towards peace. My activities and my body may be, but definitely not my thoughts. Just ask my husband. I'm all about some worrying, some holding on to things that should have been forgiven, some unending questions about the future. Tell me I'm not alone. Okay, I know I'm not alone. Thanks, guys.
I believe there is value in being a person who emanates joy and comfort and rest. People respond to these things. Community thrives when there is security because of these things. I want to be that person. We want our house to be that place. We want our marriage to be that venue.
So, how can I possibly be restfully content in all seasons? How will I let the Lord speak to my heart to soothe my anxieties that overflow my cup every moment? Because that is really the issue here. How much am I letting the Lord guide me. How much am I claiming His "certainty of promise" that brings peace?
I wrote ^that^ a few weeks ago, before the new year, I believe. I knew I had left a post unpublished. I didn't feel sure about what I was writing. I didn't go back and read it until just now, but even still, I knew it wasn't solid. I wasn't proud of my discontent. I didn't want to just put questions out there.
Those questions at the end. Whoa. I asked them out of frustration. I asked them out of a deep longing for peace that I felt was just out of my reach. I don't really remember knowing exactly what questions I was asking. I remember trying to type out words that were in my brain but it was a jumble of anxiety and worry and almost a sense of loneliness. I wasn't sure how to get nestled into a place of rest. I felt like the Lord was hard to get to, that I wasn't going to get nestled into him for a good while.
Turns out that the best way to have your questions answered is to ask them. People. Let me tell you what I wrote in my journal the other morning.
January 12, 2014. The Lord is gently guiding me into an understanding of what it means to be content in all circumstances; to choose rest and peace in moments of discontent, fear, greed or sadness. One of the beautiful things about the Lord and his gentleness is how he has said to me that being content does not mean trying to eradicate those nasty emotions from the moment. It means pausing and acknowledging the dissatisfaction of the moment and asking the Lord to step into those times. It means pausing and choosing the Lord. "I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances" (Philippians 4:11) has become my mantra. Somedays it is repeated much more than others. Even on those lacking days, I pause and ask the Spirit to stay with me and active. At the first of the year, I heard the Lord whispering this phrase to me quietly in some very tough moments. It was beautiful, gentle and loving. To choose contentment in the moment has taken on a new definition. It means recognizing that I am fully taken care of and provided for in this moment without satisfying the selfish pointless cravings of my body and mind or the wants that I feel entitled to. I have not succeeded in every moment. I am learning. The Lord is good to walk with me in this. Even when I fail, or miss an opportunity, I choose to me content that the Lord is healing me in each moment that I choose to be satisfied in him and rely on his comfort.
That is good news, friends. I pray you are encouraged today. I pray that you pause today when you feel your heart getting in a nasty way. Invite the Lord in to bring you rest and comfort. He will do it. Ask him your questions. He wants to heal your heart with his incredibly loving and gracious presence.
Blessings to you.
Let me begin by saying that you are most definitely not alone. In fact, when I was journaling for the new year, I felt the Lord speak to me about peace. Like you, my mind (and my body for that matter) are always running. Worrying, over thinking, over analyzing. But this year, I want to stand in the Lord's presence and have peace of mind, body and spirit.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing this, Sally. It's good to know that we are not walking alone.
Oh my lovely Tucker! You my dear are def not alone this! Rest is one thing i struggle to obtain. And like you and sara I yearn to find peace, rest, joy and comfort in our dear savior. For myself it has taken getting sick 2 wks into this new year to realize i have to be different this year. All i have been able to do is rest. In my resting time I have be able to draw closer and nearer to him. This year I am praying that i stop running, worrying, over thinking, over analyzing and just REST. My whole definition of rest has even changed, laying in bed doing nothing is resting but i need the resting that is going to fill my spirit and that is exactly what I am to make time to do. Thank you for this post and your honesty!